Monday, August 1, 2016

Hilliard Ohio #7

Hello family,

Sounds like you all have had good weeks over in the distant land of the west coast. This week for me has been fun and full of excitement as I awaited the coming of my new companion that I would be training. So this Thursday I went to transfers and dropped off Elder Belnap and went to a meeting were I received Elder Kimball as my new son.

So far we are doing good and are getting a long and he is ever so eager to go out and work and has to drag this old mission fart around with him. Elder Kimball is from Hawaii well he was born and raised there most of his life but he went to the MTC from Rexburg Idaho where is dad Teaches Accounting at BYU. He is only 18 and came fresh from High School, so I am also doing a lot teaching on how to take care of ones self. He is a good cleaner though, his mom taught him how to clean just not how to cook.

This week has been good as we have met a few new people who have shown interesting meet with us. One of the people we met while looking for someone else and he was really fun to talk to and teach. We also met a guy named Jeffery Johnson who is a former investigator and he was excited that we came to meet him. So we have high hopes for these people that we can continue to meet with them.

Anyways all is good over here in Ohio and I am still in the same place which is a good thing because I like the people here. Hope that you are all safe and doing well and that there is no more sickness. I love you all very much.

Elder Young